Thursday, May 21, 2020

Getting started! What this blog is about and why it was made~

This blog will be run by 1 person, I usually go by the name Shensei (I will post my own introduction later btw).

So what this blog will be about?
Mostly just stories+photos of my beloved pets with their info and introductions. I might even upload my own art but I'm not sure, my main idea is my pets after all. I will probably introduce pets that have already passed away and not only those that are alive. Introductions will have some words of their personality, when they were born/hatched and maybe some random other stuff about them. I will also update about the passing away of a pet so if you don't like hearing that, you probably shouldn't read those and I don't really like hearing comments about "I'm sorry for your loss" or something similar.

Why was this blog made?
I used to write stuff about my pets on my deviantart (Shensei1) but they forced the new thing called Eclipse to the site which no one wanted (except the da staff it seems), this is not a place to complain about it but it made things very confusing so I decided it was probably better to move my stories somewhere else. So basically I'll use this blog instead of my status posts/updates on deviantart.

Chichi (rest in peace little man)

Chichi 29.4.2019-21.8.2020 Some never photos of him: Chilling out with old man Lihis (who passed away earlier this year) and Ruska (+8 years...